Band Boosters
Mission Statement
To provide students with a rich and meaningful education through the field of music, developing not only the next generation of musicians, but also the next generation of productive citizens of society and community leaders​
Our Goal
The Beechwood Bands program will provide many educational opportunities for its students, performing and competing at a state and national level.
Band Booster Board (2025)
(Click on the name of officer to email them)
President --- Andy Cullison
Vice President --- Niki Gjyshi
VP of Programs --- Heather Johnson
Co-VP of Programs - Margaux McGlasson*
VP of Development --- Allison Riddell
VP of Purchasing --- Rhonda Lillard
VP of Food & Beverage --- Patricia Turner
VP of Props --- Chris Izor
Treasurer --- Lisa Carr
Secretary --- Maria Sanders
Communications --- Amy Nordmeyer
* = In the case of two co-officers, only one is a voting member. This is a non-voting member from a pair of co-officers.
Allison Riddell
Andy Cullison
Niki Gjyshi
Andy Cullison
Allison Riddell
Maria Sanders
Kal Sandberg
Danny Kirkland
Chris Izor
Matt Thompson
Austin Bralley
​Allisson Riddell
Andy Cullison
Niki Gjyshi​
Lisa Carr
Rhonda Lillard
(member info coming soon)
Band Camp
(member info coming soon)
Aaron Carr
Andy Cullison
​Allison Riddell
Niki Gjyshi
Danny Kirkland
Dwight Schell
Festival of Bands​
(member info coming soon)
Craft Fair
Allisson Riddell
Danny Kirkland
Katie Kirkland
Amy Nordmeyer
Don Leonard
Chris Izor
Michelene Izor
Sarah Perkins
Alumni Engagement
Andy Cullison '97
Elizabeth Powell '97
Nicholas Boerger '96​
Each year over 50 parents volunteer significant amounts of their time to help with our programs, and we are so grateful for their time and energy. There are so many different volunteer opportunities, and we can always use more help!​ Below is a list of volunteer teams/opportunities along with whom to contact if you are interested